Hottest Handbags: Trendy or Classic
Who wants a boring handbag? Handbags have taken on a fashion style of itself. They are more colorful, bright, and fun. And most of all they have cool shapes and unique patterns that can certainly become a vintage bag in years to come. Other classic bag designs by designers like Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Gucci, and Dior to mention a few have been around for decades.
Classic bags can be wonderful investments. These bags are made with genuine leather and the details are flawless. If maintained properly, a classic bag can last for many years. However, designers are faced with terrifying news that women are abandoning the more structured quality bags. Is it indicative of price point or fabric type? It might be because the brand is too popular or too widely purchased. Furthermore, trendy fashion brands are positioned in the up-market younger consumer sectors. After all, millennials are not about investing in a classic handbag like the generation preceding them. Millennials are all about fast-fashion companies like Zara and H&M with quick turnaround and low prices. Traditional retail has been struggling as a result.
Ultimately, I believe a classic handbag will last for a decade—logically, saving more for your bucks. It's not in the quantity but the quality.