
Giving Thanks for 2020

  • By Loretta Lilly

This year has challenged our core beliefs. It has been the greatest year for humanity ever, and so this week of Thanksgiving should indeed be giving thanks for all our blessings.

Throughout world history, humankind had to battle diseases. This year we have suffered more fatalities worldwide from this pandemic, political upheaval and racial tension in our country, and the negative effect on the economy.

Through it all, we should be thankful.

But being thankful does not mean that we should be untroubled. The trouble is real. Let’s not let the tragedy we see prevent us from being thankful for the tragedy we have averted. As we continue to care and sacrifice for one another, we will experience a remarkable achievement in the face of a great catastrophe. It is an outstanding victory for the human spirit. This will mark the beginning of a new era for humankind.

This Thanksgiving week, as you sit in smaller than ′norm′ family gatherings or even alone, be thankful that you are still standing. In the midst of a dire and trying year, we have something bigger, God, looking out for us.


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